General / News
Posted On March 17, 2021

Term 2 Holiday Camps

We are excited to hold a series of holiday camps this April School Holidays out of Rosebud & Dromana!

Holiday Camp

The focus of this camp is the kids learning some new skills, having the time of their lives, making some new friends and continuing to fall in love with our great game.

Suitable for: All kids with an interest in sport aged 7+

Camp 1
Dates: Thursday 8th & Friday 9th April
Location: Dromana Stadium (Old White Hill Road, Dromana)
Times: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Players can be dropped off as early as 8:30am and picked up as late as 3:00pm.

Camp 2
Date: Thursday 15th & Friday 16th April
Location: Hillview Stadium (108 Boneo Road, Rosebud)
Times: 10:00am – 2:00pm.
Players can be dropped off as early as 8:30am and picked up as late as 2:30pm.


1 day – $45
2 days – $85
3 days – $120
4 days – $150

Suitable for: All kids with an interest in sport aged 7+

Players to bring their own lunch/snack

Rep Ready Camp

The SPBA will also be hosting a Rep Ready Camp during the April School Holidays.

The Southern Peninsula Basketball ‘Rep Ready’ Camp is a program we run to provide an opportunity for domestic players to improve their skills in the hope of trying out for Sharks and for our representative level players the opportunity to grow their game further.

The camp will be ran and coached by SPBA senior coaches and players. The camp focus will be skill development and the Sharks Style of Play.

The camp is an advanced camp, challenging athletes them both physically and mentally, assisting them in developing both their skill set and IQ level.

Date: Tuesday 13th April 2021
Location: Dromana Stadium (Old White Hill Road, Dromana)
Times: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Players can be dropped off as early as 8:30am and picked up as late as 3:00pm.
Cost: $45
Suitable for: All representative level athletes or those wanting to play representative

Players to bring their own lunch & snacks