Posted On June 2, 2020

SPBA Outdoor Play Policy

June 2nd Update

The Southern Peninsula Basketball Association have made the decision that until June 21st, our current Outdoor Play Policy will remain as is.  Despite the Victorian Government reducing their Outdoor Training restrictions as off June 1st, this has not changed the SPBA’s reasoning and stance on the policy we have put in place.  The SPBA still believes that this policy is the best way to ensure the health, well-being and safety of our members, as well as the community.

You can read our policy and watch our Zoom meeting explaining the policy below.

The SPBA is currently working on our Return To Training policy and guidelines for when restrictions are eased to allow us to train indoors once again.  We will notify all members, their families and our community of how this will be managed in due course.


On May 11th, 2020, the Victorian Government released an update to their COVID-19 restrictions, followed by information pertinent to basketball being released by Basketball Victoria on the 11th and 12th of May.  We are sure that some of the easing of restrictions has our community excited at the opportunities that lie ahead.  The SPBA believes it is important to provide our members and their families some guidance, information and assistance to assist everyone in remaining healthy, well and safe.

We are being provided an opportunity to enjoy a level of sport and exercise outdoors in the short term, but we must not compromise safety, nor the reputation of the sport at this vitally important time.

Please see attached below the full policy from the SPBA regarding Outdoor Play.

SPBA Outdoor Play Policy 18.5.20 – 21.6.20

It is important to note that no training will be SPBA sanctioned unless the coach running the sessions attends our SPBA Outdoor Play Policy Zoom meeting and returns a signed agreement that will be provided following this meeting.

You can watch the Zoom meeting through the link below;

SPBA Outdoor Play Policy Video