Posted On
April 26, 2017
Premier League Teams Released

Southern Peninsula Basketball Association is excited to announce the Premier League teams for the Winter 2017 Season!
Boys Premier League
Mondays starting 1st May
Team training session starts at 4:30pm
Games tip off at 5pm
Girls Premier League
Wednesdays starting 3rd May
Team training session starts at 5:15pm
Games tip off at 5:45pm
Training sessions
This season we are introducing a 30 minute training session prior to each game which will be run by the coaches. As the players will be training in their teams it is important they are there for these training sessions.
Playing uniforms
Our supplier has advised us that there has been an increase in the cost of the premier league singlets. These are now $25.00 (incl. GST) and can be paid for and picked up when they arrive at their first game. We suggest you allow 5-10 minutes extra on the first day to organise this.
If you do not have a playing singlet and have not ordered one, please email me ASAP with your child’s singlet size. Players are to wear black playing shorts.
All parents will be rostered onto a scoring roster by their team contact and will be expected to supply a person to score for those times. If you are not confident in scoring we suggest you sit with a more experienced parent to learn how to do it. There is also helpful information here.
Player movement between teams
After the first two rounds the association will review team’s results and may move players between teams if necessary to create a fair and even competition. There will be no movement of players between teams unless approved by Gerard Hillier.
These teams are domestic teams and are subject to the same rules as covered by the SPBA by-laws, including forfeits fines. It is important that parents communicate with their team contact if they will not be able to attend, not the SPBA office.
Team contacts
All teams will require a team manager/contact to organise the below:
- Score table roster
- Communication to your team
- First point of contact for players (absence, injury, etc.)
Can anyone who is available to do this role please let me know ASAP.
Contacts for Premier League
Any player absences or matters of similar nature, the first point of contact should be your team contact.
All other on court matters should be directed to Gerard Hillier at
All administration matters should be directed to myself at
Let us know if there are any further questions.