Posted On March 24, 2020

HomeCourt and Google Classroom

The SPBA is excited to announce that we have joined the revolutionary Basketball App “HomeCourt” and will be using it in conjunction with Google Classroom.

Through the use of both of these programs, we aim to assist all of our members to stay connected with their Hoops passion during this challenging time in our lives.

HomeCourt is a world leader Basketball training application, utilised and invested in by many NBA owners and players.  The interaction it provides and the virtual reality it uses will no doubt have every user loving their time using it.

Google Classroom is an online tool being used by most schools.  It allows us in a safe way to share “Assignments”, provide information, send out updates, create a leaderboard and much, much more.

We invite all of our members, both domestic and representative to join our HomeCourt team and Google Classroom through the links below;

SPBA HomeCourt Team

Join a Google Classroom

The Google Classroom join code is: uvrl7s6

Below is a link to a document created to assist everyone with starting off with both HomeCourt and Google Classroom.

HomeCourt and Google Classroom Introduction

Please jump onto HomeCourt and Google Classroom using the links above and start to familiarise yourself with the Apps and all of their offerings.  The more people we have interacting, the greater lengths we will be able to go to when creating competition, challenges and engagement for all.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to SPBA Director Of Coaching, Lucas Allen –