General / News
Posted On July 15, 2021

COVID Restrictions Update | 15th July 2021

Dear SPBA Members,

As a result of the Victorian Government announcement this afternoon the following is in place.

  • All competition & training tonight will CONTINUE as planned

From 11:59pm tonight, Thursday 15th July 2021 the following will be in place until 11:59pm Tuesday 20th July 2021, unless otherwise notified:

  • All SPBA competitions, trainings and programs are cancelled

All office staff will be working from home on Friday. Staff can still be contacted by email or our phone line (5981 0347) which has been diverted to staff mobiles.

We hope everyone stays well in this time and look forward to welcoming everyone back on court as soon as it is safe to do so.

Kind regards,
Ben White
General Manager