Posted On August 22, 2020

Aussie Hoops – Coaches Line Up

The Peninsula Aussie Hoops Online program is set the launch this weekend and we are excited to announce our outstanding coaching lining up featuring a range of coaches from all 5 associations.

We have Kobe and Holly Davies from Chelsea Basketball, Nathan Cumberland from Mornington Basketball, Ned Weidemann and Dylan Bromley from Westernport Basketball, Kelly Read, Tam Gilbert, Adam Goddard, Andrew Cipriano and Jav Greaves from Southern Peninsula Basketball and Lachlan Barker, Tori Jackson, Kassie Boorer and Liam Doyle-Toombs from Frankston Basketball.

With a wealth of both coaching and playing experience amongst this coaching line-up, our Aussie Hoopers are sure to get a great 4 weeks of digital training!

For more information about the program and to register please visit our Peninsula Aussie Hoops Online website.