SPBA Welcomes Trent Archibald

The Southern Peninsula Basketball Association could not be more excited to share with our community the news of our new partnership with Barry Plant – Trent Archibald.
Trent, an SPBA member himself, joins us as a Sponsor of the Referee Program, the first partnership of its kind for Southern Peninsula. As explained by our Competitions Manager, Ben White, who is also in charge of the Referee Program, this partnership allows us to continue to provide opportunities for our Referee’s to develop “Every aspect of our Association has been rapidly growing and developing over the last few years and it is partnerships like this that allow us to continue that growth and development. Barry Plant joining us will allow us to continue to provide all of our Referee’s the coaching and development required for them to grow and take the next steps in their careers”.
Trent Archibald from Barry Plant is the driving force behind this incredible joining of forces “I am extremely excited to sponsor the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association & their referees because I believe in supporting something that I’m directly involved in” Said Archibald. “I play basketball two nights a week, Mondays & Wednesdays at the SPBA facilities and the referees are always there keeping the game fair and in a fun environment. I thought that it would be a great to be able to give back to the people that keep the local sports going for kids and the rest of the people in the community and that is something that myself and Barry Plant Rosebud are very passionate about”.
As an Association, the SPBA are thrilled to have an organisation of the calibre of Barry Plant decide to join us for the next two years. We pride ourselves on being an integral part of the community and when you look at what Barry Plant have done for our community we are filled with pride to be joining forces. “As an office we have sponsored a wide range of local businesses and events such as the Rosebud Hospital Summer Appeal where we helped raise $63,000, The Rosebud Over 55’s Social Club assisting in the kitchen on a weekly basis and at the West Rosebud Bowls Club events and upgrading the club. We regularly partner with local businesses to run competitions via social media to promote their business in the local area, we believe that in doing so we can become a regular support system for business on the Mornington Peninsula.”
The SPBA is an organisation that provides local businesses incredible opportunities to become involved with the community in many different ways, as illustrated through this partnership. We currently have 33 domestic competitions that are played across 7 days per week, a Junior Representative Program with 16 teams that compete state wide every week, a Senior Representative Program that is a booming success, Development Programs that are regarded as some of the best in the State for both players and coaches and we host the largest Basketball Tournament in country Victoria. We are not for profit meaning all the Partnerships that we develop are then used to grow the Association, provide more opportunities for the community to be active and increase the access our current members have to progressing their development.
If you are in the hunt for property or looking to sell, make sure that Trent Archibald is the first call that you make, support those who support us. You can reach Trent via email at trent.archibald@barryplant.com.au or call him on 0481 219 848